“May there be many summer mornings when, with what pleasure, what joy, you enter harbors you’re seeing for the first time; may you stop at Phoenician trading stations. To buy fine things, mother of pearl and coral, amber and ebony, sensual perfumes of every kind – as many sensual perfumes as you can…”
From C.P. Cavafy, Ithaka
When I think about the rich abundant sensual world that we live in, my heart warms. The amount of potential pleasure that abounds in each day is phenomenal. The world holds many delights that are available through our senses at any moment. How often do we take the time to experience these gifts? The gift of seeing, hearing, touching and smelling all hold vast opportunities for pleasure and the enrichment of our lives. How often do you stop to avail yourself of these vast opportunities?
In this holiday season, we have the opportunity to observe these gifts multifold. We have the opportunity to appreciate scent, beautiful visions, caring touch and beautiful sounds. Make the most of life. Tune in to life’s finer pleasures. Enjoy all that is around you.
Maureen Simon