There has not been a time in modern history on a cross-cultural and global basis where men and women have stood side by side providing leadership that equally respects and acknowledges both masculine and feminine attributes. The good news is that the time has come. The question is: are you ready to be apart of this new awakening?
Over the past year I have been noticing the amazing gifts that women hold but often keep modestly to themselves. Recently, I have been thinking about how different the world would be if women spoke up. Would world hunger be as rampant? Would the children be fed? Would we be engaged globally in so many wars, or would women look to find other ways to find equity and peace? How would we treat the environment—the children’s playground and land of their future?
Over the past few years numerous business studies have documented how women’s attributes are making major contributions to the bottom line is business. Among the best known is the Catalyst study, which was completed in 2004 and surveyed Fortune 500 companies over a five year period between 1995 -2000. The study indicated that companies that had women in top leadership positions showed a 34% increase in profit to shareholders.
Why might that be? Some reasons may be that:
- Women have tendency towards relational leadership their work is often inclusive and involves the opinion, ideas and thoughts of others.
- Women have a tendency towards “web thinking”- the ability to see the whole. Studies have shown that if women enter a room and are asked to look around and then leave the room, she will then, when asked to report back her observations report from the perspective of having a “whole sense” for what is in the room.
- Men’s reports are often focused on a specific area of the room. Many have deduced that women lead in a more holistic manner.
- Women have a tendency to want to share power and work with more; consensus, consultation and collaboration.
More good news…women are beginning to step forth more and more in the world of politics and business. Two good examples are the high ratio of women in the Indian Parliament and very recent news from a 'The New York Times' article that informed us that women make up 48% of the representatives in the current Parliament of Rwanda, a place where the voice of women is strongly needed. We are also now witnessing more and more women in prominent positions within incorporations but, it would still be difficult to say that the voice of women is now loudly, clearly and authentically being heard across the globe.
In order for a strong balance between the voices of men and women in leadership to become common place, women must now choose to make greater leadership contribution across these arenas by leveraging the innate feminine attributes that they have for so long set aside in order to adapt to the masculine culture that defines our world today. Taking into consideration my work with hundreds of women as well as the current state of the world, I am convinced that this greater contribution will provide the kind of powerful shift necessary for the healing and subsequent positive forward movement of the world.
So ladies, what contribution do you want to make? Are you ready? Change begins one small step at a time. We live in a time of great opportunity. Go for it!!!!!
Maureen Simon