“I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love,”
-Gandhi’s Prayer For Peace
I read this prayer for peace the other day and it opened a flood gate within me. Inner voices within me raised many questions. I wondered if we offered each other peace, love and friendship --- again, how different would this world be? If I could see your beauty, hear your need and feel your feelings how differently would I relate to you? If we could believe that our wisdom flows from the highest source and salute each other, what would be the general feeling on the street?
What do we have to lose? Let’s work together for unity and love.
Maureen Simon
Wouldn't peace, love and friendship help heal the age old wounds from wars and disputes? Women's strength lies in their inclination to seek peace instead of war; love instead of hatred and friendship instead of enmity.
Wasn't the United Nations formed for all the above purposes after centuries of peoples choosing conflict to resolve international issues?
Posted by: Chuck Primerano | February 19, 2006 at 09:27 AM
Hi Chuck,
Thanks for the responce.
You write--"Women's strength lies in their inclination to seek peace instead of war; love instead of hatred and friendship instead of enmity."
How true.I believe that women are at an interesting time in history. It is time for women to step forth and lead in the world (side by side with men).
Women do often hold a concern for the whole, protection for children and a natural sense of compassion. I work with women in business daily and I am clear that women are now begining to realize that thier perspective and voice are essential.
Again thanks for your supportive comment!
Posted by: Maureen Simon | February 21, 2006 at 11:26 AM