Some 90 million girls are being excluded from primary schools around the world for reasons that include outdated stereotypes defining a female's place as in the home and social pressures for early marriage, the United Nations said Friday.
The U.N. Children's Fund said 46 countries were failing to get as many girls as boys into school, and that the global body's long-term goal of universal education for children was far from a sure thing…… according to UNICEF's 100-page study on gender and education…”
An Excerpt from: U.N.Says 90M Girls Not Getting Education
Published: November 25, 2005
Women are one of the worlds most needed natural resources. The UN reports that the enrollment of girls in school has fallen far below their expectations. Voting and education are two foundational pieces of creating societies of equality. WE need, as a world to awaken to the fact that when we all have equal rights and equal footing in the world we will all benefit greatly. What will it take? What can you and I do to support this awakening?
Maureen Simon