Anthropologist, Helen Fisher wrote:
"Men and women were built to put their heads together, not only in their professional lives but in their personal relations. As the sexes come to understand their different strengths, each has the opportunity to gain priceless insight into the other's world; both have the opportunity to achieve new empathy and rapport.
It is time to honor our gender differences, enable women's natural talents to flourish in the workplace, build new understanding between men and women, and work together."
Fundamentally, I agree with Helen. All the studies indicate we are uniquely different and we need one another. What I believe is our greatest challenge as women is believing in ourselves enough to step into the role she describes. Certainly, all over the world, we are seeing role models to inspire all of us.
Although, IBM had women in key positions dating back to the 1940's, still some decades later, the Northwest US was a little slow to catch on. Good for me! I was one of the early women managers and my first management job was in Alaska. It was quite a switch in my life as I left the metropolitan life of Los Angeles to learn to live without lettuce and adjusting to both darkness and light in abundance, depending on the time of year. When I arrived, I discovered a group of daring, rugged and manly "bush pilots" were to be the members of my management team. My office --- a converted heater room with brick walls and no window. Frankly, it was terrifying as I recall! Through many twists and turns in our journey together as a leadership time we rose to great heights together. One key learning for me was that ACCEPTANCE is not totally something someone else can give you. Being accepted begins in our own heart.
To fully participate and bring our natural talents to the world, we have to accept ourselves. We have to build confidence in what we bring. We have to master the skills that make us make us ready, willing and VALUABLE in any collaboration or opportunity that comes your way. This is true for both women and men.
I am speaking at a Microsoft Office Live Meeting LEADERSHIP FORUM on February 23 --- called WORKING TOGETHER; WINNING TOGETHER. It is a one-hour online session ---- complimentary (no charge). I want to extend a personal invitation to join me. Learn more and enroll. If you have friends or colleagues you think might benefit, I welcome them!
In this seminar you will learn:
- How men and women work differently and how our differences can be put to work
- Four critical skills to help you transcend changes and make you more valuable as a collaborative partner and leader in your own right
- Tips for building, repairing and maintaining collaborative relationships to expand your leadership value to your organization, your customers and business partners.
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
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