“All normal people are seeking an increase in food, clothes, better homes, more beauty, knowledge, leisure, pleasure, luxury, more satisfaction in their work, more increase of good in everything. And rightly so, for it is a divine desire. Thus, the normal desire for increased good should not be condemned or suppressed. It is divine, and can be lifted to divine levels or expression through the spiritual laws of prosperous thinking.”
“The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity” by Catherine Ponder
It is perfectly normal as a human being to hold many desires in our lives. As we look around the world, sometimes a feeling of guilt can set in as we see the inequity. The truth is there are plenty to go around for all, and the more that we limit our thinking to scarcity, the more scarcity we create.
One more complex issue that we need to address in the world is the need for equity between the “haves” and the ‘have nots”. How can those on the planet who have little to nothing, be brought more in to the fold of economic equity. How can those that have very little be more involved in the virtual information exchange that is now, for most, openly available on this planet? How can Catherine Ponder’s quote about the divine desires that we as humans hold become common place and totally available to all? Does this mean some have to give up what they have worked hard to achieve? I don’t believe so.
Evaluate your life and chose three places where you could easily give to another in the next month. In some cases this giving would involve no sacrifice. In others it may. In all cases, it would move our world more towards the divine levels of compassion and expression that we are all capable.
Maureen Simon