Life is fast and full for most of us! Sometimes it is important to make a conscious decision to quiet the mind, connect with the body, and evaluate whether or not we are expressing our gifts fully in the world. All three of these practical expressions can make a major difference in the quality of our lives!
Consider the following :
1 Quieting the mind
- Set aside time in silence at least 3 days a week for 20 minutes. Begin to get to know yourself, your needs, your desires and aspirations. Learn to identify and trust your intuition and inner voice. We all have an inner voice that guides and directs us. We just need to listen.
- Question: Can you think of 1 way this week that you could actually create more calm & stillness?
2. Connecting with the body
- Learn to become more aware of your body’s needs.
- Listen more closely to the signs that your body gives you, i.e. where are there aches, sensations, and areas of tightness? Is your body sending you a message? What might the message be?
- Explore these sensations through yoga & movement. Your body holds great information about its own healing needs and emotional state of being.
· Question: What 2 things would you need to do differently to begin to honor and care for your body in a new way?
3. Expressing our gifts in the world
- Begin to look at the day-to-day changes that you can make in your life to express more of who you really are.
- Evaluate whether or not your day is made up of work activities and projects that fulfill you.
- In the course of each day, do you fully express your greatest gifts? (For example, if you’re a writer, make sure that your day includes writing; if you enjoy people, make sure that your day involves social contact and is not limited to working at a desk job; if you enjoy nature, make sure that each day includes time outdoors.)
- Question: How could you bring more joy, richness, and fulfillment into your life on a daily basis? What areas of our life could you improve?
As we learn to honor these small and simple things, we begin to connect more with who we are and what we’re here to bring. From these discoveries we begin to create deeply meaningful lives.
Maureen Simon