“Then I asked; does a firm persuasion that a thing is so, make it so? He replied: all poets believe that it does, and in the ages of imagination this firm persuasion removed mountains; but many are not capable of a firm persuasion of anything”
--- William Blake
The phrase firm persuasion has such an “old school” feel to it. But I believe that it has a very significant role to play in our world today. A firm persuasion or a strong conviction or belief are still the very essance of what it takes to move a mountain. It is from this place of strength that many great achievements have rooted or been born.
When you think about your life-what do you have a firm persuasion for?
What gives you the strength to move mountains?
Who or what most inspires you to create some thing new or to take a stand?
Our world is in a transition; there are valid concerns about the environment, wars and rampant violence, and a dyer need for food and safety for all who live on this planet.
What are your greatest concerns?
Take a stand!
For it is in your strength and imagination that mountains will be moved today-in this great world that we share.
Maureen Simon