The Leadership Edge
Part 1 of 3
Some years ago, I had the good fortune of meeting Linda Prout, nutritionist and author of Live in the Balance. We had a chance to explore how our LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS is directly influenced by what we EAT. Imagine that!
Subsequently, she wrote a few articles related to this topic. As we are all working to rise to new levels of leadership, we need to use all the help we have within our reach. So, below is an excerpt I know you will find informative and valuable:
The Leadership Edge
by Linda Prout
To be effective at inspiring others and building community in an organization or family, one needs mental clarity, energy and emotional stability. Fatigue, cloudy thinking as well as anger or excessive irritability undermine feelings of connectedness. Effective leadership requires a sense of internal balance. Research in brain chemistry reveals that food can enhance or erode our sense of balance, our energy levels and mood.
Here are a couple stories that may sound familiar to you...
LESLIE. As a therapist, Leslie knew she was more irritable and prone to outbursts of temper than was "normal." Her visits to me focused on improving her digestion, yet after about a month on an eating plan designed to soothe her inflamed intestines, Leslie found her moods also changed. She lost her harsh edge and found herself more relaxed and cheerful around her clients and children.
ANNA. Anna, a 52-year-old university social studies professor, came to me to lose weight. After reducing refined junk foods, increasing vegetables and protein, plus adding exercise, Anna lost her excess weight. She also claimed her energy and mental clarity made a quantum leap. "I'm quicker to answer my students' questions. I am remembering tiny details of conversations, lectures and articles plus, I can read with a clarity and retention I haven't had since my 20's," Anna told me one day. With new found mental prowess and confidence at a size 12, Anna left her tenured position at a state university to take a teaching job in smaller college where she is able to participate more in the student activities she loves along with in volunteering in the community. "These were things I always want to do but lacked the energy and will to roll up my sleeves and participate," Anna told me. Two states of mind interfere with effective leadership and our ability to connect with those around us. One is the feeling of anger or irritability. People don't like to do business with angry, irritable people. They don't like to live with them or work with them. Unfortunately, high stress jobs often push us to outbursts of anger and bring out irritability. Certain foods can soothe anger, while others can exacerbate it.
LEARNINGS. A second obstacle to leadership is a dearth of energy along with the depression and mental fog that sometimes come with it. Here again, food can boost energy levels, mood, morale, and even restore memory and the ability to learn.
Anna and Leslie discovered a renewed sense of spirit, energy and connectedness by choosing to eat more freshly made whole foods including hot soups, stir fries and other vegetable-rich meals, and less convenience, packaged items. Both began taking more time for meals, often joining associates, friends or family members. At first, they resisted the idea of taking the extra time. But both discovered that by joining others at mealtime, it helped speed their progress toward better health plus helped them build critical bonds with those in their personal and business communities.
There is more to share on this topic. In my next couple of posts, I will provide more about Linda Prout's advice on foods that reduce anger and promote calm, as well as the topic for those of us with a sweet tooth --- SUGAR's impact on building community. Each will include lists of specific foods.
These small changes might give you that leadership edge you need!
Join me next time.
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
Home of Women in the LEAD
Learn more about Linda Prout's work at her LifeShift website.