A friend told me once that success is a moment in time that you can revisit over and over again. I think this is also true with stories and meaningful moments in life, where someone showed up or something happened that just made your "heart sing" with inspiration or delight.
Some months ago, I met a quite remarkable young woman. Her name is Melinda Kramer. She is the co-founder and co-director of the Women's Global Green Action Network (WGGAN). We have been working on a very special exhibit that will be opening shortly at Women in the LEAD in our WOMEN's GALLERY, paying tribute to 30 visionary woman from WGGAN. Consequently, her amazing work has been in my thoughts. I've written about Melinda's achievements a couple of times before, but tonight I decided to listen to the podcast I did with her before sending the link to a friend and once again my "heart is singing" ... it is lifted with inspiration hearing her story and imagining the possibilities that are out there for each and everyone of us.
If you are in transition, wishing you were doing work you love, have a passion for the environment or changing the world or finding your own dream, take time to LISTEN to WOMEN DOING INTERESTING THINGS: An Interview with Melinda Kramer. What it offers is not just a remarkable story of a young woman, but a remarkable spirit and passion that is igniting! It will make you want to follow YOUR HEART too!
...and then come back and tell us what YOU think.
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
Home of Women in the LEAD