Our most important decisions are discovered, not made. We can make important ones but the major ones require us to wait with the discovery.
Anne Wilson Schaef
Life is filled with many, many decisions. The journey to the decision is, I believe, what Anne Wilson Schaef is referring to in the above quote. It is so important to understand that the journey to the outcome is where most of the learning lies. Children are naturally very comfortable with discovery as much of the world is so new to them. Most of us would benefit by remembering the child-like newness of discovery. When I watch children playing me often admire the enjoyment that I see as they journey to discovery with patients.
Take a moment and look at your life….
In what areas of your life do you need to pay more attention?
Where are the greatest lessons or discoveries for you right now?
Where is discovery most alive for you today?
Our lives are full of so much possibility and potential. It is up to us to stay awake during the journey.
Maureen Simon