What Can We Do About The State Of The World?
I was pleased to hear that Debbe Kennedy will be doing a very special dialogue at the GDC on personal responsibility (stay tuned)….These days, as we look at the world, we must wonder how much of the turmoil is actually a direct reflection of what we ourselves, our neighbors and the world at large are feeling in daily life. There is a connection!
We could all benefit from greater collective responsibility expressed through empathy and understanding. I believe that empathy and understanding are the way to end all wars. One of the most important things needed in the world today is a greater understanding from each of us as to what it is like to walk in the shoes of the other. Separateness and superiority have become a way of life, rooted deeply in fear. As a nation we project a sense of righteousness and superiority as if we are the ones to "bring democracy to the world" or "save the world. I question-- is our way of living necessarily the "right way”? Many aspects of American life are unraveling before our very eyes such as the sense of community that was instilled in the US What will it now take for us to live in fairness and concern for all? What do we as individuals need to do/be to take personal responsibility in our own lives?
It is our personal responsibility to move beyond fear, selfishness and superiority to a place of deep understanding and care for the benefit of all. Women are particularly needed to lead this new way of living/leading as we by the nature of our ability to give birth potentially hold compassion for the entire whole). We innately connect to others with are and compassion. It is my wish that women step forward today and take a greater lead in where our collective world is headed.
Maureen Simon