I've been reading lately some sad reviews on the fact that women don't VOTE, especially young women. CNN has been running a piece today profiling a couple of hard-working women, saying that they just don't have time and it's really not going to change their lives one way or the other. I remember when I actually had this same attitude and belief --- and my life was so overwhelmed with work and family that I somehow just never made it the polls. Afterall, what good could my single vote do, especially when I was uninformed anyway? Even too busy to get informed at the time. IMAGINE THE IMPLICATIONS of such indifference, if all women took on this same attitude. If it isn't us, who is it that will take personal responsibility for our countries and our planet and the well-being for our children and families? So, extracting yourself isn't really just about you. It is about you + me + her + and her + and her. The future rests in our hands, collectively ... and perhaps individually.
At this time in history, there is almost a siren sounding call-to-action for WOMEN to step up and lead the way. It doesn't mean that you have to necessarily get heavily involved in partisan politics, but it does mean that you need to get informed and look at what YOU CAN DO right where you are. Each one of us has a contribution to make in our spans of influence --- what YOU CAN DO may be very different than what I can do, but together, when you add up all our individual changes in consciousness and even seemingly small actions, you have a whole lot of powerful things being done for the good of others, our nation, your nation and our planet ---- good that impacts the lives of others and maybe your own.
Recently, nine Berrett-Koehler authors came together to talk about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY: It's role in creating a better world. It was then produced to share with the world in an innovative audio/visual podcast. Why? I suppose it was in answer to the question about WHAT WE COULD DO to engage with others.
Here is an OVERVIEW:
The BK Currents Authors' Dialogue on PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY is an invitation to think, question, explore ideas and get involved right where you are. First, meet each of the authors. The dialogue is then seeded with diverse perspectives from John Perkins, Angeles Arrien and Alex Pattakos. A total of nine bestselling and award-winning authors explore these key questions in an Open Forum:
What does personal responsibility mean to you?
What will it take on a social, global and personal level to institute change?
What can we all contribute using our talent, our voices, our votes and our influence?
I want to personally invite you to listen in (the dialogue plays on WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER). Our intent was not to get political --- but to over others a chance to think and question with us.
CLICK HERE to learn more and listen (complimentary; no registration required)
As I think of how to close this off, I hear Rumi, the mystic Persian poet over 2000 years ago whispering his wisdom to all of us at a new time:
"...the world is reeling; its heart is sick
and you are one who can serve as an influence for good
...be with people. Lead the way. Be a teacher by example."
---- RUMI
With gratitude to each of you in our community...
Debbe Kennedy, founder
Global Dialogue Center, Home of Women in the LEAD