If you are confronted with a problem and you cannot see an immediate answer, assume that your subconscious has the solution and is waiting to reveal it to you.
If an answer does not come, turn the problem over to your deeper mind prior to sleep. Keep on turning your request over to your subconscious until the answer comes.
The response will be a certain ‘feeling’, an inner awareness, whereby you ‘know’ what to do. Guidance in all things comes as the still small voice within: It reveals all.
-Brian Adams, How to Succeed
We actually hold the answer to our questions naturally. Life throws us off course when we allow ourselves to feel inadequate, unsure or not confident, but in reality we hold the answer within ourselves. Brian Adams’ approach to receiving guidance (above) holds great truth. In summary, allow your subconscious to mull over any given situation in sleep or contemplation the response will be a sense of knowing. As leaders and guides we must learn to trust that inner voice and we must learn to use tools to access it on a regular basis.
Where do you doubt yourself?
How does doubt show up in your life?
What would be a better way to build trust and gain a sense of knowing when confronted with a problem?
-Maureen Simon