“To deny that we are gifted is, perhaps, to indulge in false humility, which allows us to shirk our responsibility to the gifts. Gifts must be developed and passed on.”
---- Deena Metzger From Trusting Yourself M.J. Ryan
It is easier for us to remain unaware of our natural talents and gifts, for this allows us the opportunity not to fully claim or express them in the world. Knowledge of our gifts alone places a certain responsibility for us to live into them. Life can sometimes be simpler if we are not fully participating. In some cases our denying that we have gifts and talents is part of the process that we go through in order to realize, gain confidence and then fully own our talents and gifts. It takes time and experience to witness the patterns in our life that show us our gifts. There is no doubt that we are each unique and carry a special offering. Much of the art of life is realizing these great gifts and expressing them in the world fully. For this expression is one of the greatest joys one can realize.
Maureen Simon