What I love about what the launching of THE SECRET has done is that it has us all thinking and talking with one another. My introduction to the "Law of Attraction" came from a number of sources, some that I shared previously. Two of my favorites were written in the first half of the 20th Century. They both carry wisdom and many fingerprints --- proving again that wisdom is knowledge with a long self-life, a friend and scholar told me once. The idea wasn't just discovered, it is a truth that is just begin explained again, by some current day thinkers, at a new time in history. Maureen's last post got me thinking again about it!
Earlier this year, I was reminded by about the Law of Attraction in a reading from one of my favorite books, Around the Year with Emmet Fox. Here is what it has to say about planting seeds in our thinking:
"As soon as the subconscious mind accepts any idea, it immediately begins trying to put it into effect. It uses all its resources to that end. It uses every bit of knowledge that you have ever collected, most of which you have totally forgotten, to bring about its purpose. It mobilizes the many mental powers that you possess, most of which you never consciously use. It draws on the unlimited energy of the mind. It lines up all the laws of nature as they operate both inside and outside of you, to get its way.
Sometimes it succeeds in its purpose immediately. Sometimes it takes a little time, sometimes it takes a long time; but if the things is not utterly impossible, the subconscious will bring it about---once it accepts the idea.
The law is good for both good and bad ideas."
You may be familiar with this process and not even know it. Have you ever had a "heart's desire"?--- one you had no way of fulfilling, but you were sure that you would?--- deep inside you knew you were going to get that job, marry that person, get into that school, have a life that was full and happy? All this realities began with a thought. I've also experienced the result of negative thoughts too---when I've let my fear and disbelief take over, ever so subtly, leading to disappointments and sadness.
Claude Bristol, author of The Magic of Believing, tells how Theodore Simon Jouffroy, the French philosopher once said, "The subconscious mind will not take the trouble to work for those who do not believe in it." He goes on to give us the recipe that we have to think of ourselves as being successful---envisioning ourselves fulfilling our heart's desire:
"...it must be in the spirit that the work has already been done. ...while it is necessary for you to feel and think yourself successful, it is important for you to go one step further and actually see yourself as already success, either in the performance of some selected task or as actually occupying the position to which you are aspiring. For the next and final step, you must wait patiently while the subconscious is assimilating the elements of your problem and then goes about is own way to work it out for you."
Our discussion and the reminder while writing, gives me inspiration to put it to work this week.
How about you?
Are you willing to give it a try?
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
Home of Women in the Lead