One has just to be oneself.
That’s my basic message.
The moment you accept yourself as you are,
All burdens, all mountainous burdens simply disappear.
Then life is a sheer joy, a festival of lights.
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
The Sound of One Hand Clapping
We wear so many hats each day of our lives. It takes quiet moments of contemplation to familiarize our selves with our true selves. What does being ones self really mean? What does it take for us to accept ourselves as we are? Many of the worlds great teaches remind us that unless we know ourselves we can be of no use to others. This self-knowledge has been at the root of humankind. I believe that it is our job to take personal responsibility to understand who we are and why we are here. Notice what is important to you, what you value and are willing to take a stand for. Observe what gives you joy and where you make a difference in the world. Self-awareness is a key to –being ones self.
Maureen Simon