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Lynne Gillis

Wow -- this is SO perfect for me right now. I just left corporate America to start my own interior design business. Working through the start-up phases -- including all that is involved in developing new clients and simply working in a day where the structure of it is completely up to me -- well -- it's been overwhelming, to say the least. But I read your blog every day, and I have to say that it is one of the most inspirational things I do each day! Right now for me, I think the only thing standing in my way is me... I know how much I am capable of when I put my heart and soul into something... and honestly -- sometimes that, in and of itself, is a little frightening! Great blog -- keep it up!

Debbe Kennedy

Dear Lynne,
Thank you for taking the time time to write in to share your experience and the opportunities you have to overcome your fear. It meant a great deal to know the message spoke to you --- and for a minute in the distance we stood on common ground. I sense there are others standing with us, don't you?

Congratulations to you for taking a bold step to follow your heart in your work. I left a beloved Corporate job to do the same. I never regretted all the hard work of making the transition. My first customer came; and then another; and another. My business was blessed by hard work and a resolute faith (that wobbled feebly on and off :-) Next month, amazingly, will be the celebration of 17 years since I jumped off that big cliff. So, keep going! Follow your dream!

There is a great exhibit at our Women's Gallery about following your heart. Although Karen Pomroy did something very different than interior design, she left a coprorate job to discover her love. The principles are the same. There is a visual exhibit and a podcast about the transition and call-to-action for us all.


Best wishes for great success in bringing your dream to life ... fearlessly!

Inspired by Yogananda...this is a great mantra in place of those fear thoughts when they creep in.



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