Early in my leadership career women role models were few and far between. One woman who helped me truly understand my power as a leader is Frances Hesselbein. Initially, I only knew her through videos and books. However, through a series a unexpected twists and turns, I ended up meeting her and learning from her as I've written previously. She taught me three powerful leadership lessons:
1. Leaders, at their best are unpretentious, warm and friendly.
It saddens me when I see women leaders rise in stature and unfortunately, forget the most valuable gifts we have as women leaders by nature if we develop them and let it show: The ability to connect with others; to nuture; to encourage; to be real.
2. Every person is important.
It is easy for a leader to be dazzled by statistics and reports not remembering that most often there is a human story and life behind them. Great leaders put a high value on each and every person that makes the team operate.
3. Being accessible and ready to help is an exceptional leadership quality.
I will never forget the first time I talked personally with Frances. I called at her office in New York and got right through to her. She made me feel welcomed and talked with me as if I was surely her most important caller that day.
Each one of these learnings has a wonderful story behind it. Read tribute to Frances Hesselbein, capturing highlights of her way of being a role model in every action.
Learn about Frances' bestseller book: Hesselbein on Leadership
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
Home of Women in the Lead
That's really neat that you met Frances Hesselbein. What are the odds of reading her books and then meeting her in person?That must have been a treat!I do agree that those lessons are very powerful in order to be a successful leader. Women naturally have the passion and communications skills.However it’s never an easy task to become a leader in the business world.Women have a hard enough time juggling family life let alone the workforce. If you or you know any other women wanting to start a business, a great opportunity is awaiting!
There is a great contest going on called “Make Your Dreams Come True with Mirassou”. They will be awarding one aspiring business woman $50,000 plus a team of highly professional consultants to help kick start your business. Visit http://www.mirassou.com/women_in_business/dreams.asp for more info and to enter. The deadline to enter is December 15, 2007. I work with them so just wanted to give you the inside scoop!
Posted by: Mandy | October 18, 2007 at 05:15 PM
Dear Mandy,
Thank you for stopping by to contribute your thoughts and also to share this great contest for women.
Hope you stop by again1
Posted by: Debbe Kennedy - Women in the Lead INSPIRATION BLOG | October 18, 2007 at 05:47 PM