(Adapted from Intimate Communion By David Deida)
“An essential Feminine principle is that of opening to love. The Feminine nurtures, gives life, and dances in sensual joy--although sometimes Feminine energy is also wild, fierce, or chaotic. The Feminine shines with radiance, or can appear dark and mysterious. The Feminine is the force of life altogether: the healing force of nature, the life-giving force of earth, as well as the force of destruction which re-absorbs that to which it has given birth.
The Feminine force is not goal-oriented and directional, so the Feminine heroine is not a warrior who cuts through obstacles. Rather, She is a goddess who opens doors with love. A Masculine warrior slices through impediments to freedom and truth; a Feminine goddess shines with love's radiance, opening passageways to the heart. “
The feminine is a force that carries with it characteristics and tendencies that define it. She is strong, yet yielding –fierce yet gentle. The feminine carries with it innate wisdom of the ages. Feel free to claim your deep feminine gifts, as they are part of the fine balance of life. We need the masculine and the feminine to live together.
What do you love about the feminine that lives with in you?
What aspects do you disconnect from?
What beauty and gifts does she carry that you now want to claim with conviction?
Maureen Simon