Sometimes when we least expect it something happens to connect us as people. We meet each other in some unimagined way. This experience has happened so many times on our Women in the Lead BLOG. We've met so many wonderful women and men right here. Many of you don't write comments, but I know you've been here. Those of you that do or send email messages, we greatly appreciate hearing from you and knowing your stories. Beyond the tracking of the blog itself, I also sense your presence. I feel you hover even when you don't comment. This is why Maureen and I keep writing.
Recently still another experience came along that I wanted to share with you. This is a story of collaborating in the distance with two people I've never met. The result is a small miracle! A moving story and tribute emerged from it. One that speaks to each of us about the strength of the human spirit!
Imagine reading a page in a book that moved you to write a poem to tell the story you heard. This is what happened for Sara Robinson. She was reading Viktor Frankl's classic book, Man's Search for Meaning.
Sara Robinson wrote me an email some time back. She wrote telling me she had written a poem about Viktor Frankl. At the Global Dialogue Center (home of Women in the LEAD), we have a Viktor Frankl COLLECTION, honoring the famed author, psychiatrist and holocaust survivor. She inquired if there was some way we might publish the poem.
What resulted was a beautiful visual online self-learning exhibit featuring Sara's poem. It is now showing at our WOMEN's GALLERY at the Global Dialogue Center. I hope you will come "walk through the gallery" and listen to Sara share the story of the poem's inspiration. She also did a reading of the poem. Be sure to listen to it as you guide yourself through the gallery exhibit. It is a story of a young women demonstrating for us how it is possible to find inner strength and joy in the worst of circumstances.
Light in the Dark
...A Tribute to Viktor Frankl
with a poem by Sara Robinson
at the WOMEN's GALLERY at the Global Dialogue Center
The miracle in it all beyond the magnificent collaboration is that it was a work completed without one meeting or with any of us meeting physically. This is how it came together: Sara Robinson wrote the poem and recorded her reading and story. Sally K. Green, Bay Area Artist did the exhibit design and production, Dr. Alex Pattakos, author of Prisoners of Our Thoughts, wrote the Reflection at the end of the exhibit and Kevin O'Connor from Elevation did the technical production. And I recorded the introduction and served as a writer/producer. This is a tiny example of the power of real collaboration and what we can do together.
I hope you stop back by to let us know what you think.
How have you been able to reach inside to experience the strength of the human spirit?
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
Home of Women in the Lead
Your views are good inspiration for women in their successful life.
Posted by: terry | October 03, 2007 at 09:52 AM