"August was the anniversary month for the 87th year of passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which gave women the right to vote. The right to express your opinions by electing sound leaders is one of the easiest steps you can take to lead a political life. But, your involvement shouldn't stop there. The next step has to be leadership, whether that means leading your PTA, City Council, local alumni chapter, a board of directors, or congressional district. Women are more likely to become politically engaged when they see women like them in leadership positions. We are the ones we've been waiting for! (Hopi Nation teaching) Invite a woman you know to run for political office today by using one of our free email-able postcards”.
--- The White House Project
Our time is now! Step forth—allow your great talents gifts and strengths be experienced in the world!
What do you have to loose? You have everything to gain!!!
Maureen Simon