With the daily dose of turmoil in our governments, marketplaces, workplaces and communities throughout the world, it is sometimes difficult for all of us to realize there is much about our lives that we can influence.
In reading Maureen's post from The White House Project, we were reminded again of the power and appeal we hold in our hands in a world full of turmoil, war and destruction. With a startling frequency, we are seeing women step up to lead and people reaching out to accept their leadership of change.
Just yesterday, the headlines heralded, Argentine First Lady Claims Victory as Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, "with partial results indicating Argentines elected a female president for the first time and launched their country's most powerful political dynasty since Juan and Evita Peron.
Fernandez is a lawyer and senator who followed her husband as he rose from an obscure governorship to the presidency, drawing comparisons to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. She would bring a feistier and more glamorous style to the Pink House, Argentina's presidential palace, in which she has already spent the last four years." Washington Post (AP Photo)
With Hillary ever-rising in the polls here in the U.S., one realizes that there is a possibility that we could also see a woman President. It seems the world is ready for women, but do you think people are here in the United States are ready too?
I remember when Maureen and I both were taken by the TV show COMMANDER IN CHIEF because it gave us a weekly window into how it might be if a woman became President of the United States. I wrote about my impressions in September 2005 before Hillary had made her claim to run. This is what I saw at the time:
"I loved seeing President Mckenzie Allen. She was beautiful. Strong. Bold. Courageous. Decisive. Loved her family. She used her innate skills as a woman right before our eyes to bring a human-side to leadership that we've not seen much lately in world.
Actually, I found watching the show unexpectedly emotional. I'm not even sure exactly why I felt this way. Even though it is make-believe right now, it made you realize that reality of a women as President of the United States is not too far off---watching made it seem possible. As I watched, I found myself feeling deep sense of gratitude for all those who paved this path long before any of us showed up. It made all my own pioneering as a woman seem meaningful and worth it!
What I really struck me was how the character, President Mackenzie Allen, responded to being dealt some unexpected blows that called her to RISE UP! The one that stayed with me was when she went to speak before congress. The ol' boys apparently managed to have her teleprompter go down just after she began to speak. She stopped. Stayed visually calm and within a few seconds resumed her message, speaking powerfully from her heart without a note.
We can do this same thing in our own lives as the unexpected shows up.
Can you recall a time in your own life?
We know how to stand tall. Women are doing it all over the world. We know how to heal the world and bring people together. The future is in our hands. The doors are opening to a new expanded idea of women in leadership. Perhaps even Mackenzie Allen will make a contribution to helping every one get use to having a woman at the helm.
What do you think? Are you ready for a woman president?
Debbe Kennedy
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