The secret of life is to have a task, something you devote your entire life to…and the most important thing is – it must be something you cannot possibly do!
-- Henry Moore
I’ve always welcomed a good challenge: something that stretches me, makes me think and moves me beyond where I am today. I love the idea of having a task that feels “like something I cannot possibly do”. I know I have lived most of my life with this challenge and to my amazement many of the things I felt I could not possibly do – I have accomplished. That is a secret of life that I want to share.
I have now come to believe that we can do anything we set our mind and pure intention to accomplish. It has now become clear to me that by setting the goal of achieving something that feels greater than me that I am allowed to move far beyond small thinking and into the world of all possibilities.
As we move towards the new year, consider a specific accomplishment that you feel is impossible to attain or reach. Make a commitment to accomplish it in the new year. Notice what happens.
Maureen Simon