There have been several ideas floating through my mind as we are beginning a new year at the Women in the Lead INSPIRATION BLOG. Finally, I decided the best gift I could leave for all of you around the world that stop by is to share a little process that has become part of my renewal experience every year.
First, to set the stage, I have a book that a man I really didn't even know suggested to me at a conference dinner one night. I've been reading it now for nearly ten years, over and over again. Each time I learn new things. It is tattered, coming part, full of highlights, notes that I dated from peak moments and slips of paper marking passages that had a deep meaning to me at some time and place. The book is Around the Year with Emmet Fox, author of the bestselling classic, Sermon on the Mount. This book contains some of the "pearls and gems" by Emmet Fox, a scientist, philosopher and spiritual teacher in the 20th Century [1886-1951]. The book is described as a daily meditation book. I've always read it no matter what. It doesn't always speak to me, but most of the time, it is like he knew what I needed when he wrote the book.
He invites you to reach beyond all the talk of DIETS for new year ---"I am going to deal with the subject of dieting at a level infinitely more profound and far-reaching in its effects than one focused on eating---MENTAL DIETING".
Emmet Fox goes on to tell you that the food we furnish are minds determines the character of our lives. The subjects, negative talk and thoughts from others, and sometime the "junk" we allow our minds to take in and dwell upon, make our surroundings what they are --- "..."as thy thoughts, so shall thy life be." He then invites you to go on a seven-day mental diet:
"For seven days you must not allow yourself to dwell for a moment on any kind of negative thought. You must watch yourself for a week and must not under any pretense allow you mind to dwell on any thought that is not positive, constructive, optimistic, and kind." This is not easy to do, but after doing it numerous times, it does work to change your consciousness about how your thinking and ultimately it results in many positive changes in your live and work. I will attest to this!
According to Emmet Fox, a negative thought is any thought of failure, disappointment, or trouble; any thought of criticism, or spite, or jealousy, or condemnation of others, or self-condemnation; any thought of sickness or accident; or, in short any kind of limitation. In practice you will never have any trouble in knowing whether a given thought is positive or negative. Even if your brain tries to deceive you, your heart will whisper the truth.
So wonderful women around the world, I send you my warm wishes for freeing yourselves of all that keeps you from being the best that you can be! If you are new here, we hope you'll visit often and would love to hear from you --- your thoughts, stories and perspective.
Also, I want to personally invite you to visit WOMEN IN THE LEAD...a unique resource center for women around the world. We have wonderful new things unfolding for the New Year designed just for YOU!
Debbe Kennedy, founder
Global Dialogue Center, home of Women in the Lead.
I swear, you live inside my head. Truly, I think you do! I have been struggling (and I DO mean struggling) for the past few weeks with an onslaught of negative thinking that has just about done me in. Seriously crippling stuff... so I am absolutely going to take you up on your challenge... starting now! Thank you so much for this -- I just love your blog -- I can't tell you how many times it has provided me with the needed momentum or comfort or encouragement to get where I needed to go/be. Thank you!
Posted by: Lynne | January 06, 2008 at 12:53 PM
Thank you Debbe for these wonderfully inspirational words. They serve a lifetime.
Best regards
Posted by: Janina Browarska | January 13, 2008 at 06:10 AM
LYNNE: I am so glad to hear the timing was so perfect. I would say the same with you. It is always good to know we connect. Let me know how you like the 7-Day Mental Diet. It works anytime those negative feelings come over and with a little practice you can get really good at turning on those positive vibes.
NINA: Thanks for stopping by to say hello. It was great to sense your presence. How are you doing? I know you've been working hard to forge a new path. To your best year yet.
Posted by: Debbe Kennedy - Women in the Lead INSPIRATION BLOG | January 14, 2008 at 08:59 AM