Dear friends,
Women in the Lead is celebrating International Women's Day 2008 in a special way!
We invite you to join us for...
A Women's Leadership Gathering
Bringing new friends together across the world
being held at the online Global Dialogue Center CONFERENCE CENTER
Friday, March 7, 2008
10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time
7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time
It's a special online women's conversation day.
We've saved plenty of time to talk with one another, share our stories,
and explore questions in a special interactive online space
with three conversation themes to guide the day...
- Lessons in Leadership: Missteps, Milestones, and Miracles
- Big Changes: Reinventing Your Work and Life
- Changing Our World: Putting Our Differences to Work
Conversations during the session will be seeded by thought- leaders from our Women in the Lead community and other guests.
Our center is powered by Microsoft Live Meeting. All you need to participate is a computer with a sound card and USB headset (like the one you might use for SKYPE). You just logon and you'll be with us. Details to attend are confirmed after you register.
Learn more...
Download a 2-page brochure with additional details about this special gathering.
Click here to reserve your seat - registration is required to attend.
- Details confirmed via email when you register.
- Space limited - put your name on a chair today.
- Complimentary to everyone - no fees - no charge.
This special day of conversation is our gift to women across the world
from Women in the Lead at the Global Dialogue Center.
Join us. Share your story. Get inspired. Be moved. Be the change.
Together, by putting our differences to work, it will be a day to remember!
Warm regards,
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
Home of Women in the Lead