“When we take an unpopular stand, people are bound to criticize us. We will not always be well liked. Leadership involves strength of character, which means making tough decisions, doing things not because they’re popular but because we believe in them.”
Diane Dreher “The Tao of Personal Leadership”
Whether we are dealing with the world in general, our families, or our children, too often we have learned in growing up to fear criticism and rejection and too often this fear dictates our actions. Learning to take criticism as feedback rather than a personal attack is a measure of maturity. If we assume that we are responsible for our lives and that we bring to us that which we need to help us to grow, we learn to get past fear and use it as a pathway for our growth.
How can we stay open in the face of what appears to be an attack? Would taking a breath help? Would taking a moment to reflect on the opportunity of learning that’s being presented to us be helpful?
--- Maureen Simon