Creative Expectation Brings Healing and Renewal
“Negative introspection damages the soul. It holds many people trapped for years and years, and ironically, it never allows them to change…We all have wounds; we need to attend to them and allow them to heal…If we approach our hurt indirectly and kindly, it will heal. Creative expectation brings you healing and renewal. If you could trust your soul, you would receive every blessing you require…If we live everything, life will be faithful to us.”
John O’Donohue “Anan Cara”
Research has shown that the healing process is better served when supported by positive thinking. John O’Donohue suggests that we should trust our soul to work silently in the “night- side” and blessings will follow. While this is a good idea, wouldn’t it be to our advantage to support the process in the “day-side of our life as well. How can we do this? I would suggest developing an awareness of our thoughts and preconceptions. “What are the thoughts that you carry into the night as you close your eyes to rest? What does the day that follows look like? Is there a relationship between these two? Noticing our preconceptions and questioning them may lead us to self-discovery and a greater understanding of our lives.
Maureen Simon
I've said it before, and I'll say it again -- your blog is so great! Just love all of the thoughts and inspiration -- really good, meaningful stuff. Thank you so much!
Posted by: Lynne | March 18, 2008 at 06:45 PM
Thank you, Lynne for your kind words. So pleaased that you are reading and enjoying. Feel free to add your wisdom, feelings and thoughts. I'm sure you also have a lot to say. Warm wishes. Maureen
Posted by: Maureen | March 20, 2008 at 02:56 PM