The topic of MEANING has been in my thoughts recently for a variety of reasons. I guess in times of turmoil, overload and stress, questions emerge about the meaning of it all. It is at times like this when I find myself longing to self-examine --- to rethink, re-evaluate, re-look, revisit, refresh ---- to breakthrough the bounds of old thinking, to breakthrough all that seems piled up at the moment, to once again be free to BEGIN AGAIN...treat myself to a FRESH START.
How about you?
In a favorite book, Prisoners of Our Thoughts Viktor Frankl Principles for Discovering Meaning in Life and Work, Dr. Alex Pattakos shares from his personal journey that "Viktor Frankl's deep belief in the inherent meaning of life that has steadily and informed and inspired me, leading me deeper into my life path, deeper into authentic meaning." I want this sense renewed, don't you? He explains, "When we see our work as expressions of our bodies, minds, and spirits, we honor our inner lives as well as our connectedness to others and the outside world. Meaning is everywhere. This is true whether we drive a bus or run a corporation."
Moments of Insight at the Global Dialogue Center
with Dr. Alex Pattakos
This is a mini-podcast series is about Discovering Deeper Meaning
These six short format development sessions will give you a fresh start in life and work.
What do you find MOST meaningful in your life and work?
I would love to hear from you.
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
Home of Women in the Lead