“When you continue to focus upon any thought, it becomes increasingly easy to continue to focus upon it because the Law of Attraction is making more thoughts like it available to you. And so, emotionally speaking, you are developing a mood or an attitude. Vibrationally speaking, you are achieving a habitual vibrational groove, so to speak – or set point.
Your mood is showing you a good representation of what you are inviting into your experience. Your mood, or your general feeling about something, is a clear indication of your practiced vibration. In other words, whenever any subject is activated within you through your exposure to your environment, your vibration jumps immediately to your most practiced vibrational place, or set-point.”
Ask and It Is Given, Esther and Jerry Hicks
It is essential to understand that our emotions and feelings serve as guides giving us important information on a daily—minute by-minute basis, When we learn to pay attention to this information we can begin to make far more informed decisions. The art here is learning to trust our feelings as our guides.
Maureen Simon