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I love these words so much. Looking back on all the confusions and difficulties I had during the last months, I can not agree more that "any difficulties that can come to you at any time, must be exactly what you need most at the moment to enable you to take the next step forward by overcoming them." This is something called a big transition in mind.

Never ever not try. Nothing can be that worse as long as you take the attitude of learning and modifying. Everything happens to you is ultimately to make you a good person, I am sure.

Thanks, Debbe, I finally feel a rebirth in my spirit!:)


Debbe Kennedy - Women in the Lead INSPIRATION BLOG

Dear Shiny,
I somehow missed this post, but perhaps it came at the perfect time. I read this morning in a cherished book: "The key to management of your thinking, and therefore the key to management of yur destinny is to substitute an affirmative thought for a negative one." --Emmet Fox In the struggles we find ourselves.


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