“The winners edge in self-dimension is to have a worthy destination and look beyond yourself for meaning in life. The greatest example of self-dimension a winner can display is the quality of earning the love and respect of other human beings. Winners create other winners without exploiting them. They know that true immortality for the human race is when a caring, sharing person helps even one other individual.”
Denis Waitley
Watching the Olympics, this quote became real to me. The moments that touched my inner being were the moments when the competitors and teams came together after the winning to congratulate each other. The respect and joy they showed each other was touching. Through the training and effort it takes to win, these athletes push the sport to new levels and inspire the next generation of athletes to stretch themselves and break world records.
- Where in my life am I a winner and a leader?
- How can I create other winners from my strengths?
- What is the first step that I will take to create a winner?
Maureen Simon