You can never have a happy ending at the end of an unhappy journey; it just doesn't work out that way. The way you're feeling, along the way, is the way you're continuing to pre-pave your journey, and it's the way it's going to continue to turn out until you do something about the way you are feeling.
Abraham Hicks – Excerpted from a workshop in West Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, August 6th, 2005
Though it hardly seems that way, feelings are a choice. We can notice that we are feeling badly and choose not to give it power over us. How do I know this? I know from personal experience. In a very awkward family situation, I realized I was faced with three options: To leave and feel bad, to stay and feel bad or make a choice to have a good time. When I chose the latter, I found that I actually had a good time. Since then, I have used that experience on many occasions. Try it…it will work for you as well.
Maureen Simon