“…we each have an inner compass, the voice of our soul that is our internal navigation system. It’s just a matter of paying attention to it. But that’s the rub – many of us haven’t been taught very well how to access the system. It’s like driving a car with a global positioning system and not knowing how to turn it on…There are as many signals as there are people…The more we come to understand what our signals are, the more we can rely on them as we confront the myriad choices and turning points a life inevitably contains.”
M. J. Ryan “Trusting Yourself”
Ohhhh….that inner voice. The rich knowledge and information that we can receive on a daily basis is amazing. Listening to our emotions can teach us about our feelings and what we value. This listening can serve as a guide and an inner compass. Listening to the body language of others and having our own intuitive sense for what it means is another way of gaining invaluable information. Women have a natural gift of having direct access to our intuitive knowledge. We have the ability to sense and understand ourselves and others in a very deep way. It is now time to trust and use this gift.
Maureen Simon