Some years back, I had the opportunity to meet Susan L. Taylor, former Editor in Chief at ESSENCE magazine at a Women's Conference held by Hewlett Packard. I had been invited to help as a producer of a few events. It was a remarkable experience to meet and talk with her; one I doubt she remembers, but I do :-) The other day, while cleaning out a trunk, I came upon her book: In the Spirit: The Inspirational Writings of Susan L. Taylor. It is full of highlights and underlined pages. There was a blue card sticking out that said "Possibilities" that caught my eye. It was placed midway in a chapter entitled, "New Beginnings." The paragraphs highlighted from another time read:
"Our divinity gives us dominion. ...We know this, but we don't trust it. We possess the creative energy to "re-form" our lives, to reshape the world. Although we have the power to fulfill our divine plan, few of us do. Most people settle for small lives. We sense the great possibilities that life offers us, but we limit ourselves because of fear and lack of faith.
We fear change and resist it because it threatens the order --- or disorder --- in our lives. Change always means leaving something or someone behind, and breaking with the past forces us to question deeply and do the work of recreating our lives. ...Whatever you wish to achieve awaits your calling it forth---perfect health, a beautiful home, a supportive relationship, a new and better life. Continue to name it and work at achieving it."
Next to these highlighted words, I had written "Breakthrough!" What she wrote afterwards was also deeply moving, as if she could look into a women's heart and feel it for us.
So, what will you continue to name and work to achieve?
Susan Taylor offered this action plan at the end of the writing:
- Declare that you are now free of self-doubt and fear, unfettered by limitations.
- Put your trust in God and live each day committed to positive thoughts and actions.
- Let them built your "spiritual factory," harnessing the intelligent energy surrounding you, shaping your way.
- Remember, the power is yours. It is within you, waiting to be radiated outward, into the universe to do your bidding.
Begin again...
Debbe Kennedy
Author and founder, Global Dialogue Center
Home of Women in the Lead
My New Book! Putting Our Differences to Work (June 2008)
The Fastest Way to Innovation, Leadership, and High Performance
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Next Monthly Online Dialogue: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 Join me!
Thanx Debbe, just what I needed!
Posted by: Janina Browarska | September 10, 2008 at 06:21 PM
Vote to get Women for Women International into the Members Project Top 5
Because of the outpouring of support, Women for Women International was chosen as one of the Top 25 in the American Express Members Project out of nearly 1,200 projects!
Women for Women International’s (W4WI) Help Women and Children Survivors of War Rebuild project is now in the running to receive part of $2.5 million in grants. The Winning Project will receive $1.5 Million in funding, the 2nd Place Project: $500,000; the 3rd Place Project: $300,000; and the remaining two Finalist Projects will receive $100,000 each. As I write to you, they are currently ranked #5!
This funding could be life changing. It could mean the chance to enroll women who still wait in long lines in the DR Congo to be enrolled into the Women for Women International programs… the chance to expand W4WI farming initiatives beyond Rwanda and Sudan so more women learn to earn a living… or the chance to give more women access to microcredit loans to start their own business.
Here’s how you can help:
1/ VOTE! Your help between now and September 29, will catapult W4WI into the Top 5 Finalists.
American Express card members can click here to vote:
Help Women and Children Survivors of War Rebuild
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4/ Watch and share their video on You Tube.
With your support Women for Women International can make a difference, one woman at a time.
Posted by: Women for Women International | September 12, 2008 at 11:24 AM
Dear Debbe,
Have added this to my facebook and will share.
Thank you and hugs
Posted by: Janina Browarska | September 25, 2008 at 11:16 PM
Debbe, I've been reading your info for the last twelve months or more and am always inspired. I think women are much better at managing change and flowing with it than men. What do you think? I think we live with quite dramatic and profound change happening in our bodies throughout our entire lives. Many of us discover that if we fight that we bring pain on ourselves. If we can connect with what is happening within us and flow with it and embrace it, it triggers enormous creativity within us.
Posted by: Maree Harris | October 09, 2008 at 02:28 AM
Dear Maree,
Thank you do much for writing! I am so glad to hear that you've found value here. I do think women bring some very special qualities to this time in history. In my work at the Global Dialogue Center I find that when people discover from within everything changes. I will remember your wisdom. Thank you.
Warm regards,
Posted by: Debbe Kennedy - Women in the Lead INSPIRATION BLOG | October 11, 2008 at 03:21 PM