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Janina Browarska

Thanx Debbe, just what I needed!


Women for Women International

Vote to get Women for Women International into the Members Project Top 5
Because of the outpouring of support, Women for Women International was chosen as one of the Top 25 in the American Express Members Project out of nearly 1,200 projects!
Women for Women International’s (W4WI) Help Women and Children Survivors of War Rebuild project is now in the running to receive part of $2.5 million in grants. The Winning Project will receive $1.5 Million in funding, the 2nd Place Project: $500,000; the 3rd Place Project: $300,000; and the remaining two Finalist Projects will receive $100,000 each. As I write to you, they are currently ranked #5!

This funding could be life changing. It could mean the chance to enroll women who still wait in long lines in the DR Congo to be enrolled into the Women for Women International programs… the chance to expand W4WI farming initiatives beyond Rwanda and Sudan so more women learn to earn a living… or the chance to give more women access to microcredit loans to start their own business.
Here’s how you can help:
1/ VOTE! Your help between now and September 29, will catapult W4WI into the Top 5 Finalists.
American Express card members can click here to vote:
Help Women and Children Survivors of War Rebuild
If you don’t have an American Express card, you can help spread the word to your friends, family and circle of contacts.
2/ SPREAD THE WORD TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY! Please send an email and share this information with 5 of your close friends!
3/ ADD THE W4WI BANNER TO YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA SITE – FACEBOOK, MYSPACE, ETC. Spread the word to your friends about this project. Visit the W4WI site to upload a banner today!
4/ Watch and share their video on You Tube.
With your support Women for Women International can make a difference, one woman at a time.

Janina Browarska

Dear Debbe,
Have added this to my facebook and will share.
Thank you and hugs

Maree Harris

Debbe, I've been reading your info for the last twelve months or more and am always inspired. I think women are much better at managing change and flowing with it than men. What do you think? I think we live with quite dramatic and profound change happening in our bodies throughout our entire lives. Many of us discover that if we fight that we bring pain on ourselves. If we can connect with what is happening within us and flow with it and embrace it, it triggers enormous creativity within us.

Debbe Kennedy - Women in the Lead INSPIRATION BLOG

Dear Maree,
Thank you do much for writing! I am so glad to hear that you've found value here. I do think women bring some very special qualities to this time in history. In my work at the Global Dialogue Center www.globaldialoguecenter.com I find that when people discover from within everything changes. I will remember your wisdom. Thank you.
Warm regards,


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