Join me on TUESDAY, September 9, 2008 for my monthly online virtual dialogue. Special Guest: Emily Duncan, former VP, Culture & Diversity, Hewlett Packard. No charge. Register here (allow a few seconds for the link to open). Learn more here.
Right now, the world could use a little feminine charm and intuitive insight. Anthropologist, Dr. Helen Fisher told, "The strongest pressure in the world can be friendly pressure," wrote Lester Pearson, former prime minister of Canada. Women know it. ...they use their innate talents to unite behind common causes." In almost any direction, there are common causes needing our leadership in our organizations, communities, cities, nations, the world...and on the homefront.
I would also love to see women bring this kind of charm and intuitive insight to our politics, wouldn't you? One observation is that it seems that our day-to-day existence has become so filled with violence in so many parts of our lives that "red meat," mockery, lies, and mean-spirited sarcasm have become commonplace --- acceptable. It represents a kind of violence in our words and it gets our cheers . It makes me sad. I think this reality is a challenge to women as leaders --- a challenge to us to call upon something bigger, deeper, more moving from within. The power within can result in wide sweeping influence.
The issues of the people have always been the same, it starts with each of us as Confucius shared thousands of years ago:
If there is righteousness in
the heart there will be
beauty in the character.
If there be beauty in the
character, there will be
harmony in the house.
If there is harmony in the
home, there will be order in
the nation. When there is
order in the nation, there
will be peace in the world.
(551-479 BC)
Yogananda also spoke about this truth in his writing about The Beautitudes "...the real peacemakers generate peace from their practice of daily meditation." He shares that as we experience peace in ourselves, we bring to our homes, to our neighborhoods, to our nations. "Anyone who brings peace to an inharmonious family has established God there." We could use this every where in our world.
This kind of leadership is not about winning at all costs. It is also not about mocking or creating disharmony, or dividing people. It is about us working on every level --- men and women working together for the good of all. This is our time to be a strong voice of leadership wherever we have an opportunity to spread the seeds of peace in our lives and work.
What contribution will you make?
Debbe Kennedy
Author and founder, Global Dialogue Center
Home of Women in the Lead
My New Book! Putting Our Differences to Work (June 2008)
The Fastest Way to Innovation, Leadership, and High Performance
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Join me Tuesday September 9 for my monthly dialogue.
Dear Debbe,
How appropriate are Confucius's words.."when there is order in the nation there will be peace in the world".... as both our countries are headed for unprecedented elections. Never before has so much been at stake as the very planet and only planet that we humans inhabit is struggling for peace and survival and decent air to breathe.
Yes the strongest pressure in the world must be friendly pressure. It is up to each one of us to exert that friendly pressure.
Posted by: Janina Browarska | September 08, 2008 at 11:47 AM