In silence, we can learn a great deal about what is ahead, if we listen. Sometimes we forget in all our busy-ness to take time to just be in the quiet or perhaps you are in a situation where quiet is hard to find. I remember when I was a working mom, trying to juggle family and work and life. It was hard to find a way to escape for a few minutes of silence. In those days, it often was found just before I went to sleep. Today, I've learned that if I can start the day ---- before anyone is up --- with my own gift of silence, my whole day is different. Have you tried this for yourself?
What often comes in the silence for me is a glimpse of what's to come---what turn will I take next? Answers I need to Light the way. Sometimes the guidance comes in ways I don't expect. As I've learned to listen in the silence, I realize that the Gift I seek might not come during a formal meditative time --- it might be in a moment when I've just stopped my bus-i-ness, in my silent sleep, or when I take a break on a busy day, scanning my bookshelf for a bit of inspiration.
Today, it came in a little book that caught my eye on my shelf. I found this book among my father's treasures when he died. Interestingly, it's title is Quiet Power. I opened to a page at random. It touched me, affirmed me.
Never Forget Who You Are
I've never forgotten a word of advice
My father gave to me.
"Never lose sight of your dream," he said,
"Of that person you want to be.
You can make it come true,
That dream-pictured you,
No matter how high or how far,
If all down the way
In your living each day,
You never forget who you are."
"For the you-that-you-are this minute, this day,
Is molding the you-that-will-be,
And every action and thought and word
Is shaping its entity."
"It's a good thing," he said,
"To look ahead
And fix your gaze on a star,
If along the way
In your living each day,
You never forget who you are."
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
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