“Generosity is limited by a patronizing attitude that condescends to another’s need. It is curtailed by a miserly spirit that gives only to “the deserving”—a category that few seem to fit when it comes right down to it. Generosity can also be abused by recipients who do not reciprocate any kind of thanks. It does not matter if the reciprocated gift is of a different kind only that thankfulness is expressed in some measure. The law of hospitality is the law of return – a law that makes sense only when we regard all beings, all strangers, as potentially our family.
This is the curious paradox about giving from the depths of our gift: if we give, the giving wells up in us more strongly than ever like an every-renewing fund of hospitable welcome from the source of life itself. As the planets light our world with un-begrudging light, illumining the good and the bad, the poor and the rich, the sick and the healthy, so the impetus of generosity is a well that does not discern to whom the draft is to be given: all may drink freely.”
May your generosity light the hearts of many and bring joy to your own heart. Enjoy this time of giving. Give freely and generously and add illumination and kindness to our world.
Maureen Simon