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Janina Browarska

Hi Maureen,

Yes constructive criticism is easy, but the other kind is very tough to swallow....another lesson on my journey...thank you for putting "criticism" in the light of personal growth and universal feedback....

Take care

maureen simon

Thanks for the comment Nina!
There really is a difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism...
I also do believe that we can teach and raise awareness on this difference by speaking up and letting people know how we would prefer to be spoken to and how we learn best. They way we word this feed back is important--and when we get our message clear with sensitivity we can really teach and raise peoples awareness.
Good Luck!

Hayli @ RiseSmart

Curious Cat had an interesting post on this recently, stating that while constructive criticism is best, shooting down a bad idea is better than letting it pass for fear of offending anyone. In organizations, there are plenty of blunt, thoughtless people. It's up to us to control our reaction, ask probing questions to clarify their criticism, and try to spin it into a solution-oriented discussion. Bonus: All the while, we're honing a key leadership skill.

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