In the midst of many challenges from our global economy --- challenges that are impacting women and men everywhere --- there are also signs of HOPE and HELP popping up. I wanted to share one example being featured in a new online self-learning exhibit at our WOMEN's GALLERY at the Global Dialogue Center. It serves as a beacon and example of what we can do by putting our differences, experiences, and resources together to create a better world.
You're INVITED to an inspiring online self-learning where you can gain insight and also contribute...
A Woman's Investment
...a tribute to the entrepreneurial spirit
a special Wonderwebby project by Jasmin Tragas
See it now...
When we put our hearts and talents into a project, wonderful things can happen. According to Jasmin Tragas, “by writing a single sentence for her special Wonderwebby project, we had a chance to change lives, make a difference, and speak out against poverty. “You can change the lives of a group of women in the Philippines,” her invitation promised...and twenty-six women showed up to contribute their insights.
Jasmin Tragas has creative media experience spanning 17 years along with a passion for community development. She is a Managing Consultant with IBM Human Capital Management in Australia. Jasmin’s innovative funding raising idea emerged from her service as a Women’s Opportunity Ambassador. Her invitation to participate described her special project this way:
“The reason I am asking you is because I believe you are a woman with an entrepreneurial spirit. Along the way, you made an investment. It may have been words you spoke, a course you undertook, a gift you gave, a smile, a risk or an adventure. Perhaps another woman made an investment in you.
Jasmin tells the story in an audio message. The WOMEN's GALLERY at the Global Dialogue Center was honored to showcase the beautiful slideshow she created with beautiful photographs by Amy Palko ( It shares the insights and stories from twenty-six women around the world from their personal experience of WOMEN's INVESTMENT.
- Visit the exhibit and take insights of twenty-six women.
Click through the visual exhibit. - Tell your story or share your insight;
Leave a comment at the bottom of this post. - Make a donation...a small contribution empower another woman
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
Home of Women in the Lead
Author, Putting Our Differences to Work
What a beautiful gesture to make a profound difference.
Posted by: Sharon Wilson | January 19, 2009 at 07:22 PM
What a beautiful gesture to make a profound difference.
Posted by: Sharon Wilson | January 19, 2009 at 07:22 PM
What a beautiful gesture to make a profound difference.
Posted by: Sharon Wilson | January 19, 2009 at 07:23 PM