Join me online for an interesting, thought-provoking conversation...
Economic Conversation Series:
2009 NEXT STEPS: Methods of RENEWAL
What can we learn from each other's ways of reinventing themselves?
Date: FEBRUARY 10 Online Virtual Dialogue
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Eastern Time (
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Pacific Time)
Informal "Virtual Break" follows.
Location: Putting Our Differences to Work Center for Dialogue
Registration required so we can send login information. No fees.
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We stand at a threshold that is characterized by CHANGE, UNCERTAINTY, HOPE and OPPORTUNITY. With a new call for personal leadership and the continued economic crisis touching all of us, we are continuing our "what you can do" series. Join me on February 10 for an online conversation about how to turn our 2009 dreams, pledges, and resolutions into action and results. By putting our differences to work, we will explore the key questions below. In the process, we'll be looking again for "actionable specifics" and inspiration that you can take home to apply to your work and life:
Key Questions...
How can you make UNCERTAINTY, CRISIS, and a NEW CALL for personal leadership a catalyst for growth and renewal and increased contribution?
How can you make sure you use this groundbreaking time to ensure you are ready to bring your best VALUE to your organization, family, community, and the world through a commitment to change and grow?
What can we learn from each other's unique "methods of RENEWAL" so we can take lessons home to tailor for our own success and contributions?
My guest thought-leader co-host is Emily J. Duncan...
Emily Duncan is a contributing thought-leader at the Global Dialogue Center and our Putting Our Differences to Work DIALOGUES. Emily is the former VP, Culture and Diversity, Hewlett Packard with along legacy of achievement. She is also president, Emily Duncan Consulting.
Emily and I have been a long-time "renewal partners" in bringing about change in the organizations we've served and also in our personal lives. Over the years, we have on refining personal "methods of RENEWAL" that have been instrumental in achieving our personal and professional goals. To seed our conversation with you, we look forward to sharing highlights about what we've learned along the way about turning vision into action and results.
Most importantly, we look forward to hearing and learning from your stories and best practices.
May we all be enriched by this opportunity to put our differences to work.
Hope you can join us!
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
Home of Women in the Lead
Author, Putting Our Differences to Work