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Janina Browarska

Hi Debbe,

Thank you for describing the act of waiting. It is not an easy one. I can freely share from my own experience that waiting teaches patience, calm and the profound understanding of one's own truths. It brings inner resolve and the certainty that success is a matter of belief and ownership. For me it has been my most treasured gift.

Best regards

Debbe Kennedy - Women in the Lead INSPIRATION BLOG

Dear Nina,
It's nice to have your insightful words today of all days. Patience has been my challenge this week particularly, how about you? Your message is affirming of what how it calls on our inner strength. Thank you.

It is amazing you wrote today. I ran across a post you wrote a while back that I had copied this afternoon; just a few hours ago. You must have felt my vibes across the distance. :-)

May your day be blessed! Thank you for your willingness to help us all.


Janina Browarska

Hi Debbe,

This is my time to go into your site....I have learnt that the benefits of waiting happen when one is literally placed in the position of waiting many times in order to know the peace, posivity and certainty that does come.....having faith and hope for me is key to its foundation....


Global Dialogue Center BLOGS

Dear Nina,
Yes, I love coming back to this idea. It seems to show up when I am feeling so impatient. Trying too hard.


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