This year has been one with many tests
for me.
How about you?
It has been a time when I've arrived at various crossroads, which brought with them choices and decisions.
What about you?
Within those moments were long-time goals coming up in front of me. Some of those moments were also full of questions --- Is this really right for my life? Is this opportunity one that will help me in a goal-directed way?
Have you too been questioned?
I've also noticed that my character has been tested; my convictions and by my values called to account. I've been challenged to do the harder right, instead of the easier less than right. Do you know what I mean?
What is most compelling in these special times of being tested is discovering how much you've grown, don't you think? There is something magical about seeing yourself live the values you espouse and feel that special deeper meaning inside when we do what is right to do --- branding the moment with your own name. This is especially true when one realizes that each of our actions and behaviors has a rippling influences on the people and world around us. Imagine the difference we make by passing these tests with a positive right turn claiming the GOOD that is there for us and others.
The other day when I needed it most, I read a wonderful message from Emmet Fox:
"It is our duty to claim all good things and continue claiming them until they demonstrate in our outer experience. When you really want something, brand it deeply with your own name and it will be yours."
How have you been tested this year?
What tests have given you the opportunity to brand GOOD with your own name?
Join us ONLINE for a day of conversation on MARCH 6 to share your story and hear others at...
It's a NEW DAY! Renewing Ourselves; Changing the World
...commemorating International Women's Day
Learn more and register to attend. No fees.
Hope you can be with us!
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
Home of Women in the Lead