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The podcast was great -- thanks so much!

Debbe Kennedy, Global Dialogue Center


Thanks for sending in your feedback! I do think they are very inspiring for anyone with big dreams for their life. If you get this thinking right, meaninful live unfolds.


This is a wonderful sharing! It reminds me of the story of a Chinese female war corrspondant. She was the only woman at the battle field in Baghdad and Afghan, away from the bomb spot about 100 meters and slept among a heap of male refugees on the street in Indonesia. And she told us,we all have some sort of hidden potential and capacity that we did not know until we are dragged to that stage.

Slipping back to the economic crisis, isn't it also a time to pull us out of settled circumstance and thinking, to dig out our unexposed potential and explore the life abundance as you may say?

I guess, that is the meaning under the Chinese intepretation of 'crisis and opportunity'.

Great we have a connection on this theme....

Debbe Kennedy, Women in the Lead at the Global Dialogue Center

Dear Shiny,
This is a most beautiful message for us all.
I do think we are exposing some timeless truths in this time of crisis and opportunity. I am moved to share with you that it was the Chinese wisdom that you mention that touched me as a young leader in my 20s. Lao Tzu was my messenger also. Now through your meeting across the world, I have found deeper meaning in it through your current perspective in words and by your spirit and action. Thank you.


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