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I can, I must, I will and I am!

It is about life-long self-motivation.

Debbe Kennedy, Women in the Lead at the Global Dialogue Center

This is a wonderful way to put it. It is true. When you say it ten times, you physically feel different.



Thank you for a such an inspiring message! Once again it is posted at a perfect time not only for myself but for many of my friends. I too will add the mantra
I CAN, I MUST, I WILL AND I AM! to my daily meditation actually I've added it to my index cards that I carry in my purse (thanks mom for that idea)!

Debbe Kennedy, Women in the Lead at the Global Dialogue Center

Dear M,
I am so happy to hear this! Imagine the power of all of us raising ourselves up with these positive aspiring words. Hold that thought!


Blessed soul

Trully exciting to know the power God has given us to declare what our lives can become. We are all wealthy and gifted we just need to speak it and see it in our minds eye. So i'll say Yes!, I am worthy of love and i will recieve the kind of love i want and i will attract the kind of partner i desire. I will be everybit the woman i aspire to be and more and i am a beaming spirit full of good and full of irresitable beauty within and out.I believe it and I write down for the universe to hear loud and clear. Wishing lasting joy onto everyone reading this!

Debbe Kennedy

Dear Blessed soul,
How nice for you to leave this message to inspire us all. I too know I am a Blessed soul. I marvel at it every day. There is something about this time that has strengthened my gratitude.


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