These are challenging times for so many women (and men). The stories a number of you have shared are moving and tug at the heartstrings. This week, even I needed a boost --- a shake-up! --- a sudden moment to redirect my thinking in the direction of my dreams and goals. How about you?
I've not known quite what to write about it, but I've been hoping to find the words that might touch some of you and also free me from my own unintended sense of temporarily being "stuck" in a place where I don't feel like ME. Many times I've mentioned "cherished books" in my library. This morning, I pulled one out and magically opened at random to the perfect story written by Claude M. Bristol. He wrote the original book over fifty years ago; it is still in print. I found it in an old book store some years back. It has a compelling title and subtitle. TNT-The Power Within You: How to release the forces inside you and get what you want. His whole idea is that what we spend our time thinking about is what we bring into our lives. Sometimes even when we intellectually know this truth, our negative thinking seeps back in there. Ever experience this happening to you?
The story Claude Bristol tells about one woman is quite dramatic and of course, I didn't see its connection to my life until I got to the end, because regardless of what "wrong thinking" you are doing and its own story, the same principles apply. ooooh! Somehow the drama makes it easier to see oneself...perhaps with gratitude for what minor shifts we must make in comparison to get back on track. :-)
Claude Bristol writes... is difficult to see ourselves as others see us, to get an outside perspective, an impersonal evaluation of what we are doing to ourselves through our "wrong thinking," that has been contributing to the unhappy conditions we continue to attract.
"...It's not true, your statement that 'a person should always do something for the other fellow, for it pays dividends,' the woman told him. "Since a child, I have been doing good deeds for others but no one has ever done anything for me. ...Practically all of my so-called friends turned out to be merely spongers and bums. ...I've been "casting my bread on the waters all my life and it has not returned to me yet. Evidently someone else grabs it before it gets back to me," she summed up.
Do you detect a "mental chip" on her shoulder?
...This woman, and many like her, subconsciously "expects the worst while hoping for the best," and of course the worst always happens eventually, because this is the strongest, most emotionalized THOUGHTin her mind. She keeps herself magnetized, not to good, but to bad conditions, and thereby causes "that something," the creative power within, to produce a perpetuation of the unhappy experiences of her past. She expects people to be inconsiderate, to take advantage of her, to extend no help in time of need--and she works the creative law of life infallibly against herself. She is even picturing"someone grabbing the bread she has cast upon the waters before it gets back to her."
Isn't this an "inspired" sample of visualization? What can any one expect from such mental picturing? Certainly not a load of bread, not even a crumb!
You who have gained an understanding of how our mind's function, can see that this unhappy woman is a classic example of one who is operating the power successfully---in reverse!
There is one great, underlying fallacy in the thinking of these types of people. If they could only realize it, they could free themselves from their erroneous, fixed ideas, and snap out of their difficulties in a hurry.
Here it is: People who claim they have never been able to make their higher powers of mind work for them have, on the contrary, through wrong thinking, forced these very powers to work against them. They have caused these powers to produce failure instead of success, misery instead of happiness."
Are you using the power within against yourself?
Ask yourself now, frankly and honestly, have you been doing this, in whole or in part? If you have this is the root of your trouble. There is only one power in you, and you must use it either for good or for ill, as the result of every thought you think, every emotionalized picture you place in your consciousness!
* Change your thinking and you instantly commence to change conditions around you.
* Change the direction of a magnet and it changes the field around it, immediately, automatically.
* Remember...If you vacillate back and forth from good to bad, you lose what you have gained and produce an unsettled, unhappy result.
* You must hold your "magnetization" on what you want until it is received.
This requires an exercise of will, a developed determination, a resolution to "follow through," to stay with your positive thinking, your right mental picturing for as long as is necessary to enable your own creative power with to help you reach your objective.
I will--I will--I will--I will! Say it to yourself, again and again and mean it! Write it down.
A Shared Call-to-Action for the week from ME to YOU...
As I read this story, it reminded me that the wisdom traditions across many faiths also encourage us in this way when we are told again and again that we have been given dominion over our lives. And, because I've tried this on many times, I know it works. It's easy to forget. Go ahead, make a commitment to free yourself of negative thoughts --- just for a week --- and see how differently you feel and how even small unexpected things begin to support your "right thinking."
I'll be doing it with you!
A dear friend shared this special mantra with me one time:
I can, I must, I will! I added I am! It helps me see myself in positive action.
Debbe Kennedy
Founder, Global Dialogue Center
Home of Women in the Lead
Author, Putting Our Differences to Work
I can, I must, I will and I am!
It is about life-long self-motivation.
Posted by: shiny | March 22, 2009 at 02:10 AM
This is a wonderful way to put it. It is true. When you say it ten times, you physically feel different.
Posted by: Debbe Kennedy, Women in the Lead at the Global Dialogue Center | March 22, 2009 at 07:59 AM
Thank you for a such an inspiring message! Once again it is posted at a perfect time not only for myself but for many of my friends. I too will add the mantra
I CAN, I MUST, I WILL AND I AM! to my daily meditation actually I've added it to my index cards that I carry in my purse (thanks mom for that idea)!
Posted by: Melynda | March 22, 2009 at 09:31 AM
Dear M,
I am so happy to hear this! Imagine the power of all of us raising ourselves up with these positive aspiring words. Hold that thought!
Posted by: Debbe Kennedy, Women in the Lead at the Global Dialogue Center | March 22, 2009 at 09:43 AM
Trully exciting to know the power God has given us to declare what our lives can become. We are all wealthy and gifted we just need to speak it and see it in our minds eye. So i'll say Yes!, I am worthy of love and i will recieve the kind of love i want and i will attract the kind of partner i desire. I will be everybit the woman i aspire to be and more and i am a beaming spirit full of good and full of irresitable beauty within and out.I believe it and I write down for the universe to hear loud and clear. Wishing lasting joy onto everyone reading this!
Posted by: Blessed soul | April 06, 2009 at 05:19 AM
Dear Blessed soul,
How nice for you to leave this message to inspire us all. I too know I am a Blessed soul. I marvel at it every day. There is something about this time that has strengthened my gratitude.
Posted by: Debbe Kennedy | April 06, 2009 at 08:37 AM