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This is a wonderful reflection on courage, faith, and the recaptured confidence.I think sometimes, people unconsciously make tragedies on their own, with ot without the depressing circumstances. Instead of concenting to the "Life is a drama", we may say: Life is your vision and action!

Janina Browarska

Hi Debbe, For me too, there was clearly a divine intervention and one that occurs more often than not. I think when we have souls after God, no matter what the tragedies that befall us, remaining constant to ouselves and holding onto our faith, hope and courage even in our darkest hours, there is always that deep unwavering feeling that we can realize our dreams and goals. We can also come to a place when we can be thankful for even the worst times, for they are some of our greatest testing grounds and even teachers.


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ou can’t write a show badly and blame viewers for not holding on. Think back writers… what made SG-1 such a success were lovable characters, new tech, new friends, a distinct enemy and hope. The only hope i see in SGU is hope that it is not written and directed like BSG as it seems now.

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This is a wonderful reflection on courage, faith, and the recaptured confidence.I think sometimes, people unconsciously make tragedies on their own, with ot without the depressing circumstances. Instead of concenting to the "Life is a drama", we may say: Life is your vision and action!

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