“When we take in more than we can absorb and integrate, the information drips off our minds like water off a duck. Few of us stop to soak in the ideas and implications of what we experience and get really ”wet.” Distracted and mentally moving fast, we don’t have or make the time to be fully present, to ponder things deeply, or take our studies to heart.”
Joel Levey & Michelle Levey “Living In Balance”
I think this is one of the greatest lessons of my life at the moment. I’m expanding and growing my business as I learn to work with time, pacing and presence. The greatest challenges I experience occur when my mind is over busy and over stimulated. Many see these times as an opportunity to re-group, re-position and re-invent. If we could learn to be fully present in these times of transition, so many things would become clear. We really don’t need to fill every minute. We need clarity, time and a good pacing of our lives to absorb, integrate and create.
Maureen Simon
How very true Maureen...thank you for these timely words of wisdom
Posted by: Janina Browarska | May 14, 2009 at 09:29 PM
Hi Januna,
I thin the true art is ti keep presence alive every day--as prt of our practice.
Nice hearing from you!
Posted by: Maureen Simon | May 25, 2009 at 03:13 PM