When the intellect overrides all in the workplace – what’s missing?
John O’Donohue writes in his translation of the Anam Cara:
“When the will and the intellect are brought as deliberate forces into the workplace, this only makes the bland similarity even more entrenched. When the imagination, the force of illumination in the soul, is allowed to stir, it opens up the workplace in a completely new way. You should not be neutral or indifferent to your work or workplace. It is very important to have a careful look at the kind of work you do. You should try to establish whether the work you do and your workplace is actually expressive of your identity, dignity, and giftedness. If not, difficult choices may need to be made. If you sell your soul, you ultimately buy a life of misery.”
The world needs so much more imagination. As we begin to trust our inner judgment and see the world with creativity and potential our worlds will open up.
Maureen Simon