Influence directly relates to who you are rather than what you do. People need to believe in you, trust you and know they can count on you to deliver and be what you espouse to be. There are very elemental qualities to being a woman of influence. Trust is one. Your ability to know what you value and believe and to live it through all your words and actions is another key and important element. When people meet or speak with you and can clearly determine that you live and work from a place of integrity doors open and life becomes fuller and richer.
A key element in influencing is being able to look at the needs of another and to act for the betterment of others or the whole. Our world today is leading us to think and live beyond our needs and to include the needs of others. In order to do this, we must become empathetic and interested in others. With the world’s walls and borders opening through mass communication, we are for the first time in an excellent place to begin to understand and include others needs alongside our own. We can do this through taking an interest in a topic that takes us outside our own world to another or by reaching out to a person in a country or place that we may judge yet want to know more about.
Our ability to influence, to contribute and to be a part of the many necessary changes that are needed in our world today is a conscious choice. Notice where your influence, skills or contribution is needed and understand why. Begin to take focused and meaningful actions that will allow you to make a difference in areas that are important to you.
Maureen Simon