“When we know about our ancestors, when we sense them as living and as supporting us, then we feel connected to the genetic life-stream, and we draw strength and nourishment from this.”
Philip Carr-Gomm “The Druid Tradition”
“Theoretically, we each have two parents, four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, and so on, back in time. In practice, though, if each person alive continued that exponential progression for, say, thirty generations, we would come up with more people than were on earth at that time. Genealogists tell us that if we each went back about seventeen generations, we would find many family relationships between ourselves and people of our acquaintance. It follows, then, that we are all intimately related to each other, that our personal ancestors are shared with many thousands of people alive today.”
I love our Celtic way of thinking as it natural encourages the Laws of Interconnectedness. The word interconnectedness has become almost a cliché these days as we look at the news and see how the markets are. The same is true of the web of life. I believe that our ancestors hold nuggets of wisdom that are important for us to understand at this time. What do you know about your ancestry? Does a family member have a particularly important message for you. Begin to listen. The web of life is precious and we are all interconnected.
Maureen Simon